Dental Implants: Your Guide to a Lasting Smile

It’s time to consider whether your smile is making you happy. If you’re not content with the state of your smile and opt not to grin very often, this can have significant impacts on your physical and mental wellness.

Not only is regular smiling good for your immune system but a set of good teeth can boost your confidence too. This can open up professional and social opportunities that will propel your life forward.

What are Dental Implants?

Those with missing or damaged teeth are often offered dental implant surgery as a solution. The process tends to happen over six months to a year and involves a dental professional replacing teeth that are in bad health or unsightly in appearance. The procedure itself takes only up to a few hours, but pre-surgery and post-surgery appointments can make the overall process longer.

During the procedure, tooth roots are removed and replaced with metal alternatives which screw into or onto the jawbone. An artificial tooth is then inserted into the gap. A patient’s mouth is numbed with local anesthetic during the entire process to reduce any feelings of discomfort and pain.

These custom-made artificial teeth are a breakthrough in dental science, able to function exactly like real teeth — providing biting and chewing capabilities that feel exactly the same.

Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants can take the form of single-tooth, multiple-tooth or full-mouth depending on the severity of tooth damage or loss. The time you can expect the procedure to take will depend on how many teeth you are replacing.

You may be offered subperiosteal implants or endosteal implants. The former type of dental surgery is less common and involves an implant being placed on or above your jawbone. A metal post is inserted into the gap in your teeth and sticks out from your gum to hold a custom-made tooth in place. The latter, in contrast, is much more common and involves a screw being inserted into your jawbone which holds artificial teeth securely in position.

Who are Dental Implants for?

Dental implants are a simple smile solution for anyone who has damaged or missing teeth. The surgery is available to you whether you have a single missing tooth or several and it’s a great way to ensure that you have a full set of teeth that function as normal and a bright smile that makes you feel good.

While dental implants are suitable for anyone unhappy with their smile, this surgery is especially useful to those without enough natural roots to build upon in other ways. Plus, it’s a wise alternative to dentures if the upkeep of these doesn’t appeal to you.

The only major consideration when booking dental implant surgery is the associated costs because it’s often higher than a denture or bridge alternatives — though the additional benefits you’ll enjoy make implants good value for money.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

With dental implants, you’ll notice an uplift in your mood, confidence and social life. That’s because you’ll have a winning smile that you can flash at job interviews, on dates and when meeting new acquaintances. Rightly or wrongly, a good smile can go a long way in social settings.

Dental implants can also significantly improve your speech because a full set of healthy teeth is important for the clear pronunciation of words. This is especially true if you’re someone missing several or all of your teeth.

Dental implants last a long time when compared to bridges and look more natural too. In contrast to dentures, implants are more comfortable, require less maintenance and contribute to a significantly more natural smile.

What Could Prevent Me from Getting Dental Implants?

While most people are eligible for dental implant surgery, there are several reasons why your dentist may deny you treatment. These include, but are not limited to, the severity of your diabetes you have, any ongoing cancer treatment you’re having, your proneness to blood clotting and your addiction to smoking. To establish whether you can access dental implant surgery, the best practice is to consult with your dentist.

A winning smile is in sight. Consider dental implants to boost your confidence and propel life forward.

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